APU Superfoods is a family-run business based in Peru and South Africa providing Power Foods, Superfood Mixes and Intelligent Supplements, sourced mostly from Peru’s vast selection of indigenous foods and nutraceuticals. We integrate Ancient Food Wisdom and secret Power Food Traditions with cutting-edge nutrition delivery systems for the mindful, nutritionally conscious individual.
For more than 8 years now we have been selling our products informally as part of our ongoing relationship with the traditional, indigenous communities/tribes of Peru. In our efforts to create sustained economies for these communities we have been working directly on the ground with them in sourcing our ingredients and running various other projects. Involving APU Superfoods in this was a natural progression of this relationship. APU Superfoods works directly with the communities supplying our products.
We are pure in our purpose in that all members of the company are passionate about embodying an awareness of mindfulness, wellbeing, joyfulness, and the integration of conscious eating into our daily lives, in a modern and sustainable way. We are all avid adventurers, surfers, skateboarders, kung fu practitioners, sport enthusiasts and family orientated (grandmas and grandpas too) and understand what is needed to use your body and mind in an optimal way.
APU means “Consciousness of the Mountain” (where most of the ingredients of our products are grown). All our products and ingredients are 100% natural, nothing added and nothing taken away.
On our many mountain climbing expeditions in Peru we found we needed that extra sustenance and stamina to make our climbing that much more enjoyable. We remembered some of the ancient local smoothie mixes our parents use to give us when young, for recovering after sports events and even when sick (in Peru everyone has a blender in the kitchen). Friends visiting from overseas wanted to know what it was making them feel so good and started taking the secret mix home with them. Soon orders starting coming in. This is how APU Superfoods was born.
Our logo is the ancient Wiracocha. The all-giver, the one that for Peruvian culture showed them how to cultivate the earth, how to weave, how to paint. Ancient Andean cultures relied on what the Environment or Pachamama provided in their immediate surroundings for optimal health and good nutrition. This allowed them to collect and transmit a wealth of information about the healing and nutritional qualities of their local food/plants from generation to generation.
The Wiracocha represents a message that with ancient wisdom we can help communities create sustained economies as well as show modern peoples how to properly feed themselves and give the body what it needs to reach its optimal potential.
APU Superfoods wants to use the ancient wisdom traditions of food to once again reconnect with our bodies, allowing intelligent evolution to take place towards the intuitive healthy being inside all of us.
Life should be about imprints of joyful experiences and optimal health – allowing you to do what you love for longer.